Monday, July 25, 2011

Top 5 Advantages of Optimizing Your Website for Smart Phones

Smart phones are replacing computers and laptops as the preferred device for surfing the internet. This is why it is relatively important for you, as a website owner, to ensure that your site is optimized for the users of these phones. There are many advantages that you will get by doing this, but the top five are:
1. When you have optimized your website for smart phones, you will have raised your chances of making sales significantly. This is due to the fact that not many people like to zoom in on advertisements, as this is usually very cumbersome. When your website can be viewed easily from a phone, this means that the message that you are putting across will have more impact. There are approximately 4 billion users of smart phones word wide and you can easily tap into this consumer base.
2. Your website is more likely to be ranked higher than it is at the present moment by Google when you optimize your website for smart phones. This is due to the fact that many people will be accessing it because of its ease and they will definitely spread the word around. Within no time, you will be receiving even more traffic than you would have expected. This will in turn make Google rank you higher in searches.
3. When you have optimized your website so that even a user of a mobile phone can access it with ease, you are bound to have an increase in your loading speed. All of the images in your site will definitely load faster so whoever visits your site will have browsing satisfaction. As you have made the content smoother, loading will consequently be much faster.
4. The software that will help you convert your website into a better version for smart phones is extremely cheap. This is a very big advantage because once you have optimized your website so that even people with smart phones can browse efficiently, you will not require the services of programmers at all. This is very cost effective, taking into consideration the expected returns.
When you optimize your website for smart phones, you will definitely get more uploads and downloads if your site deals with them. Users of a Blackberry, for instance, will be very glad to upload their BlackBerry Videos to your site when the process is swift.

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