Friday, July 29, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Smart Phones

There is no doubt that smart phones are highly sophisticated gadgets which makes them very advanced. As a matter of fact, these phones are the most advanced in the world. This has also led to a huge increase in the number of people who use these phones. In the beginning, they were mostly used by professionals and business people. Due to their ever increasing popularity and demand, smart phones crossed over to the rest of us. Nowadays, it is not hard at all to come across students, wives and other people with smart phones. These phones have many advantages that make them such treasured devices. However, people usually overlook the disadvantages that these phones have. Before you buy a smart phone, it is therefore relatively important to be enlightened adequately, so that you can know what to expect from the phone.
Most of these types of phones usually have touch screens, which is also one of their main features. The touch screen is a brilliant feature which allows you to use the mobile phone by only touching the screen. This is an advantage of the phone which ensures that it does not have many buttons and so it becomes simpler to use than other phones. The touch screen may also possess some disadvantages to the user of the phone. This is because the touch screens are normally very fragile and they need to be handled gently or they will break easily. If you knock the screen on a rough surface or drop the phone by mistake, the screen will break easily. In addition to this, it is also easy to make a mistake when you are typing a text message or sending e-mail. Your fingers might slip slightly and then you will find that the e-mail or text message has been sent to the wrong person.
The smart phones are usually great when it comes to downloading music and videos from the internet. The Blackberry, for instance, offers a very good feature when it comes to downloading and watching the BlackBerry Videos that you love. This is mostly thanks to the excellent internet connection that these phones have. You can also upload data and files to your website using these phones. Also, these phones are prone to virus attacks from the internet as there are plenty of viruses that can easily harm your smart phone when you go to certain websites that are unsecure or infected.

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