Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Smart phones: Revolution in Cell Phones

As the telecommunication technology is progressing day by day, we are experiencing revolutionary Cell Phones. Earlier, we used to have the fundamental mobile phones, which had very limited applicability. Now with the invention of smart phones, we can have a number of features and applications right at our finger tips. A smart phone is the one that lets you to do a number of works simultaneously. Earlier, we used to have that type of phones, which could do only one application at a time. Once the modified version of the mobile phones called smart phone is here, you are free to execute anything you want without having to close any existing application.

An old generation Cell Phone, or better known as mobile phones had a number of limitations, as far as the applicabilties are concerned. First of all, they used to have limited features. Not many of the earlier versions of this phone had the features like modern age connectivity, or multimedia applications, or picture taking ability. They were designed mainly for the basic purposes of mobile phone, that is, for call making, messaging, and call receiving. As the time has changed, people started expecting more from the mobile phones. They demanded various applications at their footsteps, just like their PC does. This observation prompted the mobile manufacturers to invent something new, something useful that can handle multiple workloads. And that is the main reason for the introduction of smart phones in the mobile phone industry.

Smart phones are quiet different from those of the old age traditionally designed phones. As for example, you can consider the Touch phones. As the name suggests, you can use this particular phone by touching few parts only. Generally this particular phone comprises with a touch sensitive screen, and you can select your option by touching the icons present on the screen only. It is a smart approach, because you are not required to press the keypads to select your option. You can do whatever you want by touching the screen only. A lot of other features are worth mentioning as well. Not surprisingly, this phone enjoys the next generation phone status.

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