Thursday, December 30, 2010

Smart Phone Features - GPRS

When compared to earlier days, now mobile phone becomes an essential one for all of us. Now days it has been developed with so many advanced features, to provide ‘comfort’ to our life. Want to send an e-mail?? No need to turn on your pc or laptop. Just go with your smart phone. That’s enough!, to send an e-mail. So it seems very comfort than earlier days. Here we can see some important features about a Smartphone. This makes smart phones, are “smart”.

We heard a lot about this word, while purchasing or using this feature in our top Touch Phone. Here we can see some additional details about GPRS.
Why GPRS instead of GSM?

GPRS stands for general packet radio service and has some unlimited advantages, when compared with GSM. GSM technology is limited one for sending and receiving data to other one. It operates by CSD [circuit switched data] system and seems very slow while transferring a file. They can able to transfer a file at the rate of 10-14kbps speed only.To initiate this transfer, it needs some starting time which comes around 30-40 seconds.

But in GPRS, no need to face this kind of difficulties. It will be in “on” mode always. So no need for initiating time. File transfer rate also sounds very speed and quick. It can transfer a data around 35-45kbps speed. It can transfer any data, while you are engaged with any phone call also. Nothing will interrupt this transfer.
GPRS is classified with some type of classes. Depends upon this classes, our file transfer rate can be vary from 8kbps into 48kbps. All these are with 2G only. Now most of the smart phones are comes with 3G technology. Here it uses some additional technology like HSCSD [high speed circuit switched data] instead of GSM technology’s CSD. In addition EDGE [enhanced data rates for gsm evolution] enabled mobile phones are also coming with these combinations.

So now GPRS have more stuff to transfer any date from one into another with awesome 2mbps speed.
Applications: by using this technology, our Smartphone can able to stay update with current things which can be available from internet. We can stay with live RSS feeds available from various social networks and news agencies.

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