Monday, November 8, 2010

Enjoy your life with Blackberry

Gone are the days when people dreamt of having multimedia cell phones. But now the picture has been changed. Now they are running for the smart phones. Do you know what are they? They are specially designed mobile phones which are for multitasking. They are completely power packed with all the features that make this cell phone outstanding. The USP of BlackBerry phone is QWERTY key pad. A key pad which is on your laptop. Because time has changed and the man is more eager to earn money and in this cat race he is running out of time. To manage the shortness of time he invented new machines and a blackberry is one of them. With its advanced software one is able to do all his tasks in an easier way and what more in the shorter span of time.

If talking about the weight of this cell phone it weighs only 90 to 150 grams. With these features one is able to carry this cell phone with him/her without any hitch. So he/she is able to do all his personal and professional work on the go. With the push mail service it is possible for you to stay connected to the e-mail accounts of yours. This is because the server of the blackberry is connected to the service provider and it keeps sending and receiving the messages. This way you are able to stay connected with the world 24x7. BlackBerry uses its own operating system as Nokia uses symbian Os. With its dedicated software this phone is able to execute the tasks at a very rapid rate.

Coming to the camera the blackberry comes with 1.2 mp, 2.0 mp, and 2.3 mp camera. And with the BlackBerry Video one can enjoy videos viewing. With these cameras you can just take your favorite photo and share it as well with instant push mail services. There are spreadsheets to work on your business documents. These applications are designed to work easily on this cell phone. There are all the social networking web sites just to let you connected to your near and dear ones. These days there are many business deals which are now being finalized these over the blackberry phone.

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