Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Smart Phones and the issue of national Security

Smart phones are the most advance phones in today’s world. The smart phones are easily available in the market in any country. Some advance features are making the smart phones different than other mobile phones. One important type of smart phone is black berry phones. It has some exciting features. The blackberry phone can easily connect people with the internet facility. It can share the data with the easy net accessibility. The BlackBerry Videos is also a very important service in this type of cell phones. It can also help the user to share the video clippings from any place of the world. But this facility can make some security issue. This kind of data sharing can harm the security position of the country.

Now-a-days there are lots of security issues in many countries in the world. There are chances that by the BlackBerry phones, there may be a chance of data leakage from the cell phone by the server. If there is any information related to the security of the country that can be also disclose to the other country. So some countries like Algeria, Saudi Arab, Pakistan, Indonesia, and India have objected to the services of black berry phones for their security reason. They claim that the blackberry phones are disclosing information about the security of the country. These countries claim that other countries can use the server to obtain the information. These countries can easily hack the server of the various blackberry phones manufacturing company.

So the countries which are against the black berry phones want the suspension of the black berry phone services. In the month of August, 2010 the black berry service has been suspended by Telecommunication Regularity Authority (TRA). But in the month of October, 2010 the TRA has permitted the BlackBerry authority to continue the email services. Indian government requested the Canadian manufacturer of the blackberry phones to provide them a server especially for them only to capture all the calls within the border of India. This step is taken by them to prevent any leakage of information within the server. Saudi Arabia and some other countries are still against of this service but the Research in Motion the Canadian Manufacturer of blackberry phones is dealing with this matter, and they are making some agreement with those countries to fulfill their demands. Despite the negative impact of BlackBerry phones on people there are lots of features that people can use this device in their day to day life.

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